Richard and Walter as Children

This picture is Richard Lasicki. Approx Summer 1932.
These pictures were unmarked.

Here's Walter looking like a wrestler. Approx. 1933.

Here's Richard at approx 2 1/2 years old and Walter at about 1 1/2 years old. I'm guessing it's about 1933.

This picture is around 1939. In other pictures the license plate on the car reads New York World's Fair 1939. This is Richard, Walter and their mom, Harriet.

Harriet and Joe

This picture is marked Hattie and M. Brill with the date 1917. Look how young Nana is.

The background is interesting. Doesn't look like a park. It looks like a construction sight. Who's peeking over M. Brill's shoulder?

This picture was marked Katherine B. and Harriet. 1919. Harriet is on the right. It looks like Prospect Park Yet it might be a cemetery. I'm not sure.

The following picture is also marked Hattie 1919. I believe it to be the same day, at the same rock/lake.

This next picture was labeled Ed, Katherine, Hattie and Conrad-Summer 1919. Harriet is in the white dress with hat.

The next 2 pictures are at a lake. Possibly Lake Ronkonkoma. There's no date or names on the back, but it's definitely Harriet and Joe with 2 other women; probably relatives.


This photo was labeled:
Hattie Bastian, Spring Lake, NJ July 13, 1923. Is Hattie a relative or friend?
There's nothing written on the back of this picture. It was found in a pile of papers and no other photos around it. Do you have any idea who this might be?

Robert Babulski?

Do you know who this might be?


Click on the pictures to get a closer view.
Here's Patricia Lasicki at 6 weeks old. January 1958

Here's Joanmarie Lasicki at just a couple of days old! February 1963

Okay, so once you stop laughing at this picture, just remember how vogue Carolanne was with those glasses! They're the "in thing" today. This is Carolanne in third grade, which would be 1963.

Linden Accordion Shop, Linden New Jersey
John Romanoska(i) eventually bought and changed the name of this store to Roman Accordion Shop. No date was indicated

The Mandolin Society of Brooklyn, NY. Richie Lasicki is the 3rd boy from the right in the middle row. No date was indicated.

What a beautiful picture. But who are they?

Is this Helen Ruminski and Frank Ruminski? Hmmm....

Do you have any idea who this might be?

Here's another beauty with no name. Any ideas?

This is Harriet Michalski-Lasicki. This looks like a graduation picture. No information was indicated on the picture.

There's no information on this photo. Do you know who this is?

What a cutie!! Who does this baby belong to?

This is Gary Jindrak at 18 months old.
November 19, 1950

Patricia Litchko? How is Patricia related?

This looks like Harriet Michalski-Lasicki. The eyes and nose are the reason why I think it is my Grandmother.

Wow! Look at that hairdo! Any idea on the name and relationship of this gal?

Helen and Frank Ruminski?

Wedding Pictures

Click on the picture to get a closer look.
Who is this? It's marked as Connie and Pat. Which one's Connie and which one's Pat? How are they related?
Do you know who this is?

Another beautiful picture, but who is it?

Do you know the names of the bride and groom?

Can you identify any of the following happy couples?

Do you know anyone in this wedding? If you click on the picture it will enlarge for a closer viewing.

The first usher in the second row and from the left, I think is Joseph Lasicki.Who's wedding is this? (The little girl sitting on the floor all the way to the right has a Patricia Lasicki face!)

Who's wedding is this?

First usher from the left I believe is Joseph Lasicki
Who's wedding is it?

Who's wedding is this?

I believe the bridesmaid all the way to the right is Helen Ruminski-DeNault. Who's wedding is this?

The Lasicki's

First Holy Communion. Walter is sitting in the chair with Richard Lasicki standing. This is approximately 1947.
How precious. The Lasicki Portrait - 1938

A beautiful portrait of Harriet Micalski (Lasicki). No date, but would guess it was her 18th birthday which would be around 1921.

Joseph Lasicki with the men's club. Joe is standing, 2nd from the right. No date but he's greying a bit on the sides so it could be around 1938.

These pictures were taken June 1953 at the graveside of Joseph Lasicki.

Aren't they adorable!?! Walter is on the left and approx 2 years old. Richard is on the right approx 3 years old. There's no date or name on the back of this picture, but I can pick out Dad and Uncle Walter just about anywhere and in any picture! They really loved each other!

And then the little boys grew up to become soldiers! Richard is on the left and was in the Army approx 1951-1952, Walter is on the right and was in the Navy approx 1951-1954. Their father, Joe Lasicki, was very proud of his sons.

This was in an envelope labeled Mom's Favorite Pictures. No date or markings on the back. Approx 1950. Walter, Harriet, Joe, and Richard Lasicki.

This picture was also in the envelope labeled Mom's Favorite Pictures. Here's the future... Margaret Mary (aka: Sissy, Margie, Maggie) Smith (soon-to-be Lasicki), Richard and his mother, Harriet Michalski-Lasicki. There was no markings on the back but the photo was taken approx 1953. Margie is wearing an engagement ring.